Property Services

Residential Resources, Inc. is a property developer and manager that specializes in housing for persons with disabilities of all ages. Through the development and ownership of more than 200 properties, we have acquired an expertise in all areas of real estate services including property searches, acquisitions, renovations, and maintenance.

Our team has developed a particular expertise in accessible renovations that conform to all local, state and ADA specifications. We are sensitive to the rights of individuals with disabilities when dealing with municipal zoning issues, and we are familiar with laws and regulations as they apply to the Federal Fair Housing Act. Our dedicated professionals welcome the opportunity to work with our clients for any of these housing needs.

Residential Resources skilled, organized and cooperative project managers become an extension of an organization striving to deliver housing services including property search, acquisition, long-term leasing, and management. Our unique focus ensures that project managers bring relevant knowledge to each project – licensing and inspections, special adaptations, meeting time lines to open houses, and zoning issues.

Turn-key Approach

As human services agencies continue to evolve, our organization has responded by “unbundling” our real estate services and offering services tailored to the unique and specific needs of our partners.

Tenant agencies depend on RRI for a turn-key approach to:

  • Capital improvements
  • Zoning Issues
  • Accessible renovations
  • Technical assistance on property management & maintenance
  • Building renovation

Property Acquisition

The origins of Residential Resources lie in our history as an agent to acquire properties to be leased to agencies and organizations that provide services to the special needs population of Southwestern Pennsylvania.  Property acquisitions are done on and as requested basis in coordination with the agency specific client needs.  We can use our own owe realtor or work with yours to identify properties that best suit your programmatic needs and work to develop a renovation plan that fits within your program budget. The project development phase is an open process with costs shared with our clients so they may fully understand the process involved in determining a rental amount.

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